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a fall from grace

One of my greatest actors Chadwick Boseman may his soul rest in peace said and l quote, "Sometimes you need to get knocked down to understand what your fight is". To be honest l never understood the concept either till l changed my perception about things. As is often the case whenever things go wrong we go them meaning we join the group of people who blame everyone and everything but themselves. But what if l told you that sometimes life teaches you the hard way and once you have mastered the art of living fighting back at life it will be your daily thing. Most people get so hung up on their high moments which is a good thing making the best with what you have, but don't forget that this too shall pass even the low moments too they have not come to stay but to teach you. It's hard asking yourself questions without answers like, " Why me?", "will l ever smile again in spite of everything?", "will people ever accept me who l am?". But the world would never be the same without you , you are born out of your own uniqueness and remember that even trees lose their leaves though it doesn't mean they are dead but that's the season. So whatever you might have faced in life or going through it really is ok to feel all sort of negative things as long as its not a permanent emotion because there is a time for everything and yours is awaiting your patience. Just trust the course!

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