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Choose the Plan for You

I offer coaching, consulting, and support for your personal and professional development.

  • Discovery

    Coaching cycle designed around your objectives
    Valid for 3 months
    • Help you unleash your true self
    • Work through your procrastination
    • remind you to make a commitment for your future self
  • Development

    How to clear obstacles and take action
    Valid for 6 months
    • finding your reason for existence
    • Help you keep your commitment to your commitment
    • If you know the why for living you can endure almost anyhow
    • Choose the path less travelled by
  • Direction

    A full program to reshape your being and doing
    Valid for 2 years
    • Remember that pain is weakness your body
    • Easy is not an option if you want to live your dreams
    • Unlimited support from survivors of life
    • Keep putting one foot in front of the other
    • How to respond to failure
    • Perfection doesn't exist but self improvement does
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