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Passionate About Inspiring Others

I know how it is to have all things crumble right in front of your eyes. l know how it feels to be disappointed and how it can change your perception about things in life, which is why my help is coming from a place of experience and love. 


After realising how much it took from me to get over my obstacles, fears or tragedies that's when it dawned on me that perhaps my story could be an inspiration to others. Most of us do not feel comfortable in their own skin and we have all heard that but l want to explain what it means, "Feeling comfortable in your own skin" means to be able to love yourself as you are not with your potential or your past but the current you. As is often the case that most people feel unworthy of who they are because they are so obsessed with improving themselves to such an extend that they forget to celebrate who they are at this point in life. So with the help of God l will be able to say something that sparks your heart and remind yourself that you don't need to be perfect to enjoy life but its the little things that matter.


Talk to Brendon is a platform where we normalise transitioning in our lives, laugh at our pain and try to take the sadness of a situation out of it and look at it from a different perspective. Bad things might have happened to any of us but they did not come to stay but for us to learn and welcome all experiences life has to offer, after all if you want to shine like a diamond you have to get cut like a diamond. Without further ado lets talk about those tragedies 


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